Cruising Gay Bathhouses in 2023: A Guide

As we enter the year 2023, it’s important to take a look at the state of gay bathhouses and cruising culture. For decades, these venues have provided a safe and anonymous space for men to explore their sexuality. However, with the rise of dating apps and changing social attitudes towards sex, the future of cruising gay bathhouses is uncertain. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of cruising gay bathhouses in 2023, exploring the history, culture, and potential future of these unique spaces.

The History of Gay Bathhouses

Gay bathhouses have been around for centuries, dating back to ancient Greece and Rome. In the 20th century, bathhouses became popular in the United States, particularly in cities with large gay populations like San Francisco and New York. These venues typically consisted of a series of private rooms, steam rooms, and saunas where men could meet and have sex with each other. Bathhouses were often the target of police raids and moral crusaders, but they remained a vital part of the gay community.

The Decline of Gay Bathhouses

In the 1980s, the emergence of HIV/AIDS had a devastating impact on the gay community, and bathhouses were seen as a potential vector for the spread of the disease. Many bathhouses were forced to close or operate under strict regulations, and the stigma of HIV/AIDS led to a decline in cruising culture. In recent years, the rise of dating apps like Grindr and Scruff has further eroded the popularity of bathhouses. These apps offer a more convenient and discreet way for men to find sexual partners, and they have become the go-to method for many gay men.

The Current State of Gay Bathhouses

Despite these challenges, many bathhouses are still operating in cities around the world. In 2023, bathhouses continue to attract a diverse range of men, from older men cruising for decades to younger men curious about the culture. Bathhouses have evolved to include amenities like gyms, cafes, and social spaces, and many offer HIV testing and other health services. However, the popularity of bathhouses varies widely depending on the city and the local culture.

Cruising Culture in 2023

While bathhouses are still a popular destination for many gay men, cruising culture has changed significantly in recent years. Dating apps like Grindr and Scruff have made it easier for men to find sexual partners, and many younger gay men prefer the convenience and anonymity of these apps. However, for some men, cruising is still an important part of their sexual identity. Cruising can be a thrilling and exciting experience, offering the possibility of anonymous sex and exploration.

The Future of Gay Bathhouses

So, what does the future hold for gay bathhouses in 2023 and beyond? While it’s difficult to predict the future, it’s clear that bathhouses will continue to face challenges from changing social attitudes towards sex and the rise of dating apps. However, bathhouses have proven to be resilient over the years, and they have adapted to changing cultural norms. In the coming years, we may see bathhouses continue to evolve, offering new amenities and services to attract a wider range of customers. Alternatively, we may see a renewed interest in cruising culture as younger gay men seek out new ways to explore their sexuality.


In conclusion, cruising gay bathhouses in 2023 remains popular for many gay men worldwide. While the culture has changed significantly in recent years, bathhouses continue to offer a unique and exciting space for sexual exploration. As we look to the future, it’s clear that bathhouses will continue to face challenges, but they will likely remain an important part of the gay community. Whether you’re an experienced cruiser or a curious newcomer, there are still plenty of opportunities to explore the world of gay bathhouses in 2023 and beyond.

It’s important to note that while bathhouses can provide a safe and anonymous space for sexual exploration, it’s still important to practice safe sex and get regular HIV and STI testing. Many bathhouses offer on-site testing and resources for sexual health, so take advantage of these services if they are available.

In conclusion, cruising gay bathhouses in 2023 remains a unique and important aspect of the gay community. While the popularity of bathhouses may ebb and flow over time, these spaces will likely continue to provide a vital service for men seeking sexual exploration and adventure. Whether you’re a longtime cruiser or a newcomer to the scene, there’s no denying the excitement and thrill of cruising gay bathhouses in 2023.