Gus Kenworthy: Breaking Stereotypes and Creating Awareness

Gus Kenworthy is an American freestyle skier who won a silver medal in the slopestyle event at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. While his athletic achievements are noteworthy, he is also known for being an openly gay athlete, making him a trailblazer and an inspiration for many.

Kenworthy came out publicly as gay in 2015, making him one of the few openly gay male athletes in professional sports. His coming out was met with widespread support and admiration, with many hailing him as a role model for LGBTQ+ youth.

The Journey to Coming Out

Kenworthy’s journey to coming out was not an easy one. In an interview with ESPN, he revealed that he had known he was gay since he was five, but he had kept it a secret for fear of being rejected by his family and friends. He also admitted that he had struggled with depression and anxiety throughout his life, partly due to the stress of hiding his sexuality.

It wasn’t until he was in his mid-twenties that he finally decided to come out. He said he had been inspired by other athletes, such as diver Tom Daley and rugby player Gareth Thomas, who had come out before him. He also said he wanted to use his platform as an athlete to create more visibility and acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community.

Breaking Stereotypes

Kenworthy’s decision to come out was a significant step towards breaking down stereotypes about LGBTQ+ athletes. For many years, there has been a perception that being gay and being an athlete are incompatible. Many athletes keep their sexuality a secret for fear of being ostracized or discriminated against.

Kenworthy’s decision to come out challenged this stereotype and showed that being gay does not make a person any less of an athlete. He has continued to excel in his sport since coming out, proving that sexual orientation has no bearing on a person’s ability to compete at the highest level.

Creating Awareness

In addition to breaking down stereotypes, Kenworthy has used his platform to create awareness about LGBTQ+ issues. He has been an outspoken advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and has used his social media platforms to raise awareness about marriage equality and the dangers of conversion therapy.

Kenworthy has also been involved in various LGBTQ+ organizations, such as the Trevor Project, which provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ youth. In 2018, he was named the Trevor Project’s Youth Innovator, recognizing his efforts to promote LGBTQ+ rights and awareness.

The Impact of Kenworthy’s Coming Out

Kenworthy’s decision to come out has had a significant impact on the world of sports and LGBTQ+ visibility and acceptance. His coming out has inspired other athletes to do the same, creating a ripple effect that has helped to break down the stigma surrounding LGBTQ+ athletes.

Kenworthy has also become a role model for LGBTQ+ youth, showing them that they can be open and honest about their sexuality and still succeed in their chosen field. His advocacy work has also helped to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ issues and promote greater acceptance and inclusion for the community as a whole.


Gus Kenworthy is a trailblazer and an inspiration for many. His decision to come out as gay has helped to break down stereotypes about LGBTQ+ athletes and has created greater visibility and acceptance for the community. He has used his platform to create awareness about LGBTQ+ issues and has become a role model for LGBTQ+ youth worldwide. In short, Gus Kenworthy is a true champion on and off the slopes.